Curl syntax for uploading images in the API page is incorrect
The image upload example shown below (w/o space added before MyTestPicture so it would not be auto-linked),
curl -d 'key=<your key>' -F 'media=@ MyTestPicture.jpg' -d 'content=<p>A picture is attached to this post</p>'
also included in api description page does not work, curl fails with messages shown below and no request is sent.
Warning: You can only select one HTTP request method! You asked for both POST
Warning: (-d, --data) and multipart formpost (-F, --form).
Use this instead (change -d to -F where needed, remove space before MyTestPicture, don't forget to quote html):
curl -F 'key=<your key>' -F 'media=@ MyTestPicture.jpg' -F 'content="<p>A picture is attached to this post</p>"'
Using curl version 7.81.0 on Linux with bash shell
Does it still work? I'm trying to do the same thing using JS and FetchAPI and it doesn't work if I add media files. It says missing api key in request, although it's there. If send only test it works fine.
It should work with curl syntax as long you not add space after @ before file name. Haven't got a chance to test though. Not sure about js, haven't tried that yet.